
The topic of compliance is very important in the companies for which Th. Simon GmbH & Co. KG is responsible as the parent company. We are expressly committed to fair competition and to complying with all relevant domestic and foreign laws. In particular, we will not tolerate violations of antitrust law and the norms of criminal law on corruption. We also feel an obligation to uphold the unwritten principles of the honest businessperson in our dealings with our contractual partners. The maxim is that Bitburger would rather forgo a transaction than conclude it with unfair means. Management and executives are role models for their employees when it comes to observing these guidelines.


To meet the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, Th. Simon Gmbh & Co. KG has adopted this declaration of principles.t.

Open declaration of principles

Anonymous whistleblower system

In addition to the traditional options for customers and suppliers (contact person, consumer information), we offer an anonymous external Internet system for reporting material violations of general laws, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, and our Code of Conduct. This system is available in German and English. It allows for a confidential dialog with the Bitburger Compliance department, secured by special encryption. Please also read our privacy policy before accessing it.


Open the whistleblower system