Th. Simon GmbH & Co. KG

The Bitburger Group pools its business activities with Th. Simon GmbH & Co. KG and Bitburger Braugruppe. While Braugruppe and its subsidiaries focus on the beer business, Th. Simon GmbH & Co. KG invests in areas of business outside the core beer business, thereby contributing to the sustainable and profitable development of the Bier und trägt mit dieser Diversifikation zur nachhaltigen und profitablen Entwicklung der Unternehmensgruppe bei.

We think in generations

As a family-run company with over 200 years of history, thinking in generations is an important element of our corporate culture. We focus on excellent products, strong brands, and investments in successful medium-sized family businesses with sustainable business models over the long term.


Outstanding products and passionate entrepreneurship

Our companies are among the best in their markets thanks to their outstanding products, quality leadership, and excellent services. A prerequisite for the excellence of the individual affiliated companies that we strive for is a pronounced entrepreneurial passion and the cultivation of our own corporate culture with a strong focus on each market.